Annual Giving

Thank you for your interest in supporting the young ladies of St. Vincent’s Academy through your gift of Catholic education. Each and every gift is a testament to your belief in the mission of the Sisters of Mercy and the teachings of Catherine McAuley.

The fiscal year for St. Vincent’s Academy spans each year from July 1st through June 30th. Each year, we hold an Annual Fund Drive to help St. Vincent’s keep the cost of tuition as low as possible and to support the maintenance of the physical structures, the grounds, furnishings and other essential needs including every day opportunities for our girls!


You may honor a loved one or honor the memory of a loved one with a gift, send a gift to St. Vincent’s to celebrate a friend’s birthday, anniversary or a holiday. We will send you a note confirming receipt of your gift and will send a corresponding note regarding your thoughtfulness to the person you have honored. Thank you for your support of St. Vincent's Academy.


Giving Levels

Saints Circle $100,000+
Founders Circle $50,000+
Sr. Jude Walsh Circle $25,000+
McAuley Circle $10,000+
St. Vincent’s Circle $5,000+
Headmaster's Circle $2,500+
Academy Leadership Circle $1,000+
Mercy Circle $500+
1845 Circle $250+
Principal’s Circle $100+

Other Ways to Give

Cash is not the only way to give of course. There are several other options you may consider when making your generous gift to St. Vincent’s:
Suggested Categories 2
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